Friday, July 23, 2010


What a sis,,gave a letter to me..she sais disz letter is from my cousin who stays in Selangor..tenz 4 givim me disz letter..i cried a lot..time heals e/tink...but not me i think..mayb i have 2 let ame goes from my life,,but i'll promise u long,,one day later kay..not now..i'll let him go,,but one day later...bcoz now,,i believe in myself,,he's gonna come back 2 me...lookim 4 me..i dun know whether it's true or not,,but i'll just keep on,,diz letter,,i'll retype it here..2 show my appreciation..tenz 4 d suppost...iloveyousomuch,my dear cousin...


  You know, the hardest part of breaking up is to move on. To let go of all your dreams and hopes, to not to think about your lost love before you fall asleep, to wake up from your sleep only to find that the person you love so dearly is no longer yours, to feel the emptiness, to look at the other couples and reminiscing the good old days when you were both happily in love.

But time heals. Time heals almost everything.

It is okay to let go. If your needs are not met, if there's no more mutual affection, if the feelings aren't mutual anymore, if there's no respect between the two of you, then the best thing to do is to let go. You have to let go, hard I know, but you just have to.

I used to believe that between the person I love and the person who loves me more, I'd prefer to be with the person who I love. Wrong, dear. I've learned that you just have to love yourself first before you could ever love anybody else. And the feelings just have to be mutual. You have to love the person who loves you back. And most importantly, who can respect you. Loving is nothing without respecting each other.

So now, let's face it. Moving on is hard, but staying, knowing that the person who used to love you is no longer in love with you, is harder. Don't make things harder by holding on to what has already been gone. You have to let it go. It is okay. You will be fine eventually, time heals. Cliché how it sounds, but true enough.

If you are not meant to be together, you will not be together. As simple as that. Because God knows best.

I hope you are strong enough to move forward. Stay open, cause who knows, lightning could strike :)

To those who miss someone so terribly especially to my cousin,,nabylla,

The silence isn't so bad, til you look at your hands and feel sad, cause the spaces between your fingers are right where his fingers  fit perfectly" :)


Ironic. That's the best word to describe how your life is.

It is not ridiculous, it is just ironic. Life is anything but neat. It is not always smooth.

You know, every time when I work hard for something, be it preparation for exams or be it in a relationship, it won't turn out good. Whenever I care less about something, it will surprise me. As I grew older, I tend to take things more seriously. I get disappointed more often now than ever. Because when you put so much effort into something and later, failed miserably, it sure hurt, damn bad.
Usually, when I’m so deeply, crazily in love with someone, he just couldn’t love me as much. It’s suicidal. There would always be the saviours, those who seem to care and love me dearly, but I just couldn’t love them back. It is just so messy. Lesson learned, do not fall so deeply in love, you’ll get drowned. Love those who love you back, who care about you, who respect you and who never fail to make you happy, and most importantly, love yourself first before you could ever love anybody else.
And usually, I get my heartbroken during final exams, important tests, practicum observations, big presentations, the last day of my assignments’ deadline and happy hours. Thanks so effin’ much for the memories : )
From the trivial things in life to the significant ones, life wouldn’t be challenging if it’s not ironic. If it’s not challenging, it will be dull. If it’s dull and neat, it will be no fun. You've gotta go through the pain to experience the joy. Remember, there will be a rainbow after the rain. Look on the bright side. Shit happens, but it will pass. C’est la vie.

Life is indeed, ironic. Like, it doesn’t rain every time you bring your umbrella with you, but when you don’t, it rains. Like, you just couldn’t fall asleep the whole night thinking about the big day tomorrow, and a couple of hours before the big thing, you fell asleep and wished that you could just sleep. Like, when you were about to tell someone that you love her/him, she/he started to confess that she/he is in love with your best friend. Like a funeral of a close relative during your wedding day. Like a break-up on your birthday :)

Life could be devastating. It could disappoint you. But you’ll learn from it. You just have to go through it, and smile. No matter how bad thing seems to be, it will pass. For tomorrow, the sun will shine again. Even though the path that you take might be rocky and bumpy, just enjoy the ride. One day, you’ll look back at your life and you'll laugh at it :)

Because life is just ironic.

It's a traffic jam when you're already late
It's a no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic... don't you think?

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